Eneida M. Anjos is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. She was born in Cape Verde and immigrated with her family to the United States at the age of 8. She has been working at DCF for over 25 years in various roles; she currently serves as the Contract Manager for all DCF contracted residential schools and group homes located in the DCF Southern Region. She has also worked for over 10 years in a per diem capacity for Steward Hospitals as an emergency room mental health crisis evaluator. Eneida earned her master’s degree from Simmons University’s renowned School of Social Work.
Eneida is a passionate social worker who is dedicated to helping people in her community. For almost 10 years she has been an active member of Nos Di Tchada I Amigos, a non-profit 501c organization where she serves as a board member. Eneida has traveled to Cape Verde Island to make donations to the community where she was born and regularly organizers fundraisers, collects and sends donated items such as medical and school supplies. Her dedication and commitment to her community was recently recognized by the Patriots Foundation who identified her as a community champion.