To maintain and promote the Cabo Verdean heritage and to expand the “art of healing” in a progressive, professional and scientific manner.
To promote research pertaining to the study of medical and scientific matters; to encourage, assist, support, and contribute towards studying ideas of educational and scientific undertakings; to upgrade new methods of technology; to elevate standards of training; to advance disease prevention; to alleviate, improve, treat, secure and preserve health and related problems affecting mankind.
To encourage social and community inter-relation in order to improve consciousness of social responsibilities.
To expand relations with other professional societies of Cabo Verdean heritage, other Medical Societies around the world, other Medical, and non-Medical Societies related to healthcare, biomedical science or that share the same cultural goals as CAMS within or outside the United States in order to stimulate the exchange of information in health, education, science, culture, history, social solidarity or other health related fields.
To provide documentation, information, guidance and counseling to its members, especially by fostering national and international exchange programs.
To promulgate ideas in organizing our Society for expansion in a nation-wide basis and with international outreach.
To support scholastic activities in research fields, to encourage and assist meritorious young physicians and healthcare professionals by creating scholarships and special funding activities.
To promote the idea of future affiliation between United States Universities or other academic institutions and respective Cabo Verdean institutions.
To establish and support charitable funding that will be used for development and expansion of Society’s programs and the creation of a permanent Center for the Society.