In The News

Médicos caboverdianos e norte-americanos regressam Cabo Verde para apoiar sistema nacional de saúde
HUAN e a Associação de Médicos Cabo-verdianos nos Estados Unidos assinam protocolo
Ordem dos Médicos e CAMS promovem simpósio
Associação de médicos cabo-verdianos nos EUA traz mais de um milhão de dólares em equipamentos
Mentorship is extremely important to Dr. Carla Moriera and is a vital part of medicine and community well-being. This article discusses a recent mentorship opportunity, which is something Dr. Moreira does as often as she can.
Dr. Celina Pina Shemo as the G100 United State’s State Chair Massachusetts in Mental Health
Dr. Patricia Andrade on race, gender, medicine and her ‘fix-it mentality’
Patricia Andrade, MD, says she brings her problem-solving skills — what she calls her “fix-it mentality” — both to practicing general surgery and to her board work for SouthCoast organizations
Nha Terra Nha Cretcheu
Nha Terra - Cape Verdean social and economic news highlighted The social and economic situation of Cape Verde as prominent themes in a program that shows the reality of how Cape Verdeans live and work, through a journey through culture and traditions and using interviews.
Donna Mendes, MD, FACS, brings 25 years of surgical experience to her new role
Donna Mendes, MD, FACS, has been named the vice chair of education at Lenox Hill Hospital’s department of surgery. Dr. Mendes, who was inducted into the Library of Congress for being the first board certified African American female vascular surgeon by the American Board of Surgery in vascular surgery, has more than 25 years of surgical experience
Equipa de médicos dos EUA realizou dezenas de intervenções em 3 dias de missão no HUAN
Equipa de médicos dos EUA realizou dezenas de intervenções em 3 dias de missão no Hospital Universitário Agostinho Neto
Coverage of the 1st cultural and Scientific exchange program with Cabo Verde
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