CVAMS Mission Trip 2022

Our First Trip to Cabo Verde was an unqualified tremendous success. We were embedded in the health care system, visited many clinics and hospitals, performed a total of 51 operations, provided free care, training of local doctors, donated over half a million dollars in equipment and did a needs assessment on several Islands.
Several teams were providing surgical care in Praia and in Sao Vicente Island.
These included:
Cataract surgery
Head and Neck Tumors, including cancers of the thyroid, Parotid and skull base tumors
Thoracic chest tumors
Laparoscopic surgery for Gallbladder disease and a teaching course for Abdominal wall hernias
Gyn Surgery for uterine and ovarian tumors and other pelvic disorders.

We also had the opportunity to meet many Government officials including the President, Prime Minister, Minister of Health and Communities, WHO and UNESCO representatives, US Ambassador, the Leaders of the University of Cabo Verde and several patient advocacy non-governmental organizations.

Most amazingly, we brought together a group of Capeverdean American Doctors and Nurses, some of whom had never met each other before , united around a common purpose and it felt like being among family.
It is clear that the group was energized from this trip and we hope to count on others to join the trip next year.

One of the most exciting developments is a new collaboration with the New Hampshire Air National Guard, an organization that has committed to be a crucial logistical partner for us. Very Exciting!  

CVAMS Mission Trip 2022
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